Sherman tank, Flying Fortress, Mustang fighter I have listed them below, along with their ruler, starting bonus and unique units:Ĭrossbow archer, Lancaster bomber, Spitfire fighter There are 16 playable civilizations, each with one (and only one) leader assigned to it.

However, the game was fun to play, although it took me a few minutes to learn the controls (not owning a console). The demo only lasted about ten minutes, but it gave a pretty good impression. Take away a city of his, and he'll tell you he did not really want it anyway. The arctic barbarian chief Gray Wolf climbs or pulls himself into the screen before he starts insulting you. If you reach a certain milestone, a minor civ (the Phoenicians, more on them later) will give you a reward of dancers, which jumped around inside your palace (yes, the palace is back). Graphics were not yet finished, so the graphic quality was only so-so, but they were fun to watch. It looks like a pretty fun game, which adds back in some of the lightheartedness that has been missing from the series lately. I had a chance to play Civilization Revolutions at E for All on Thursday. Civilization Revolutions - Don't call it Civ Lite or Sid'll scold you!